Simple Ways to Create Healthy Habits
Tuesday February 12, 2019 from 6-7pm
Are you on the go so much that you forget to take care of yourself?
Think that an exercise routine is to time consuming?
This class will help you develop good habits, and realize a simple exercise routine can be effective even for the busiest of people!
Dr. Scott will discuss how normal everyday activities effect our bodies and contribute to chronic discomfort. He will also discuss some quick and easy things you can do at home to counter-act it. You will learn how to stay pain free and strong without needing to break a sweat. Everyone will walk out the door with a simple routine that can be done at home or even at work!! Class size is limited, click here to register today!

Heart Health: An Anti-Inflammatory ApproachÂ
Tuesday February 26, 2019 from 6-7pm
Does heart disease run in your family?
High blood pressure or cholesterol?
This class will be focused on the prevalence of heart disease in our country and why is is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the U.S. We will discuss the incredible impact that our dietary choices have on our overall health, especially in regard to inflammation. We will empower you with information that will encourage you to make healthier choices. Whether you have already been diagnosed with a heart related disease, such as high cholesterol, or want to take preventative measures to stay healthy, we will help teach you how to gain control of your own heart health! Click here to sign up today, class size is limited!